Where are all the good men?

As somebody who has written a lot about dating, I have gotten a lot of feedback from single adults — ladies and gentlemen who haven’t tied the knot and want to, who routinely ask an honest question.

“Where are all the good men?” or, “Where are all the good women?” The question is probably rooted in each person’s not so satisfactory experiences — the guys she meets aren’t into her, the girls he’s into aren’t into him. Some can’t get dates and others don’t enjoy the dates they get. Continue reading “Where are all the good men?”

Why women need good men in a world where Tinder exists

On Friday, a friend sent me a text while she swiped left and right for awhile on Tinder. The app connects users to close-by potential dates, which is why what my friend found there that morning alarmed her.

She stopped swiping when she saw it: the familiar face of a man last active on the app a half hour earlier — a smiling male acquaintance.

A smiling male acquaintance who has a girlfriend. Continue reading “Why women need good men in a world where Tinder exists”

When attraction IS relevant (a clarification).

It was brought to my attention today that blogger Kirsten Andersen responded to my post called “When attraction is irrelevant,” which appeared on my blog in May, and on chastityproject.com last week.

I guess you could say she didn’t like it.

I responded to her criticisms in a comment on her post, which was published by Aleteia this morning. My comment currently awaits moderation. If you’d like to read her post in its entirety, click here. If you’d like to read what I originally wrote, click here.

I’d like to share Kirsten’s qualms, which center on what my friend Americo and I said in the post Kirsten criticized, and my clarifications, which are important clarifications to make: Continue reading “When attraction IS relevant (a clarification).”

Do a guy’s guts to ask a girl out actually matter?

When I was a senior in high school, I had study hall as an elective, and a crush on a kid named Kyle. He had study hall, too. He sat at the back of the room. I sat at the front with a boy named Brian.

I don’t remember how, but Brian got it out of me: “Yes,” I admitted. “I like Kyle.” I giggled. Then I gasped. “But don’t tell him!Continue reading “Do a guy’s guts to ask a girl out actually matter?”