We have not forgotten.

Confession: Canon in D* is to me what nails on a chalkboard is to the average human.

I can’t explain it. But I can’t. stand. it.

So it surprises me every year when I remember that Christmas Canon Rock is one of my favorite Christmas songs.

Of all time.


Christmas Lights – Christmas Canon Rock from David Tilson on Vimeo.

It says:

This night, we pray our lives will show this dream He had.
Each child still knows.
This night, we pray our lives will show this dream He had.
Each child still knows.

We are waiting.
We have not forgotten.

We are waiting.
We have not forgotten.

Over and over and over.

And over and over, within and outside the seasons of Advent and Christmas, I wonder what our lives do show.

Love, or anything but?

His dream, or ours?

This night, we pray our lives will show this dream He had.
Each child still knows.

We are waiting.

We have not forgotten.

May we live like we haven’t forgotten.
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*Canon in D