[Q&A – Dating] What does it really mean when she (or he) says “we should just be friends?”

The Q: From a guy, about a girl: “At first she seemed very interested. Then somehow, she got scared or had second thoughts or something. I must have come on too strong. … If she says she wants to be ‘just friends’ right now, does that mean I have to not talk to her any more?” …


My Commitment as a Speaker It is a privilege to stand in front of a group with a mic and a chance to chat about the virtue of chastity—a privilege I take seriously. I’m happy to give chastity talks for young adults, youth (middle school and older), parents, or entire congregations at churches (Catholic or …

Q and A: How soon do you tell your date you’re saving sex for marriage?

The Q: “With our society as it is today and everyone expecting sex outside of marriage, how (or how soon) do you let somebody you’ve started seeing know that you practice chastity (and that therefore, you abstain from nonmarital sex)? -a reader The A: How I tell a guy I’m saving sex has varied, and — let’s face it — Google usually …