Five things you didn’t know about “Chastity Is For Lovers.”


But it’s also exciting. You’re on track for awhile, say a thousand words a day, until — PLOT TWIST — you miss your deadline anyway. There are twists and turns, all-nighters in which you write your favorite chapter, and all-nighters after which you throw out what you wrote.

You can plan for whatever you’d like while you write, but some stuff you just can’t predict. Among the things I couldn’t predict are the first four fun facts below — things you probably didn’t know — and the fifth one, I threw in for good measure:

1. I wrote at least a third of Chastity Is For Lovers on an air mattress. The double-high air mattress, stuck between the foot of my own bed and the bookshelf across from it, was inflated for the house guests to whom I loaned my room. After they left, I sat on it with my laptop and I wrote. And then I wrote, and I wrote, and I wrote. And so on an air mattress (apparently the jackpot for inspiration) is where I wrote — I’m talkin’ for weeks — until I finally retired it and wrote instead on the floor.

2. Listening to “Say Something” by A Great Big World on repeat turned out to be a reliable remedy for writer’s block. Which is entirely inexplicable.

3. I ended a nearly eight-year caffeine fast in order to finish Chastity Is For Lovers. I quit caffeine in college because I am naturally caffeinated. (And because of the time it caused my resting heart rate to reach 150. #truestory) But writing a book meant pulling all-nighters, especially toward the end. In favor of meeting my already-thrice-extended deadline simultaneously as retaining my day job, I got my coffee on, a lot. I stuck with half-caf, mostly, and have since quit caffeine again.

4. I first learned Sr. Helena Burns would write the book’s foreword when she tweeted about it. I am pretty sure I screamed when Twitter notified me via my phone that Sr. Helena had tweeted that she’d write it. Unbeknownst to me, my editor — who knows how much I love Sr. Helena — had reached out to her with the invitation. And obvs, Sister said yes. Best. Surprise. Ever.

5. I want to bring the book to you. When the book launches in the Fall, I actually want to bring it to you. If you’re interested, help me make it happen! How? Tell me the name and location of your church and/or diocese in the comments below.